Big News for MBPR

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The day is finally here! MB Public Relations is LIVE!

As most of you reading this likely know, towards the end of last year I made the decision to leave my corporate job and follow my heart. While it was an extremely hard decision for me to leave a place that had been my home for more than five years, I couldn’t ignore this feeling deep down that there was something else I was meant to do.

When I was diagnosed with cancer a few years back, it made me realize that life is short and from that point forward, I made a commitment to use my voice for the greater good. I’m passionate about storytelling and helping causes that are working to better our world and have found such value in being an advocate in the cancer community. This led me to create MB Public Relations, a PR consultancy for nonprofits and purpose-driven companies.


Developing this company and website from the ground up has been such a passion project and labor of love. A huge thank you to all those that have been involved (you know who you are 😊) – I could not have done it without support and guidance from so many of you.

Lot’s more to come! I hope to use this platform for good and will be sharing lots more moving forward. I’m so excited for this new venture and can’t wait to take you along with me

xoxo, Morgan Bellock | #mbpr #prwithpurpose